Færsluflokkur: Bloggar

Looking at the 95 Theses

Larry Woods replies, I gave several suggestions. I keep thinking of Newt Gingrich and his contract with America. Most points got heavy support from the majority but the selfish minded in Congress (the majority there) could not support it because it...

95 Theses of We, The People

My Friends. Inspiration struck and I knew I had to write one more important document that must be included in my book. I call it the 95 Theses of We, The People. I'm still fine tuning it. The order is not perfect and I may still get some ideas to replace...

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Jóhann Róbert Arnarsson
Jóhann Róbert Arnarsson

Ég er 38 ára, Bogamaður og á ekki börn og er á lausu en annars er þessi mynd af mér orðin gömul. Hvað annað? Ef mér dettur eitthvað í hug þá uppfæri ég bara. Uppfærslur, það er fínt orð.


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