95 Theses of We, The People

My Friends. Inspiration struck and I knew I had to write one more
important document that must be included in my book. I call it the
95 Theses of We, The People.

I'm still fine tuning it. The order is not perfect and I may still
get some ideas to replace some of the points. Look over the list.
If you see any problem let me know. If you think of a point that
needs to be included that is not there let me know your ideas. Just
remember each point should be something that the majority will

The 95 Theses

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther started the spiritual reformation
that changed forever the face of Europe and the path of the Church.
On this date he posted his 95 Theses on the door of the Castle Church
in Wittenberg, Germany. This famous church was the major bulletin
board for the area.

This act was comparable to making an announcement on the Drudge Report today.

The main theme of his post was the condemnation of "indulgences" or
the selling of forgiveness of sins for money. Because Luther tuned in
the wave of the majority thinking of the people, his ideas caught on
like wildfire.

Now is the time for another 95 Theses, but this time we are dealing
with political indulgences rather than spiritual. We live in an age
where those who take an oath to represent us are selling their votes
for money, power and the praise of friends in high places.

The will of the majority of the people was ignored, to the peril of
the church leaders of that day, and, again, that will is ignored by
political leaders in this day.

But the will of the people is like the gathering force of water
accumulating at a dam. It is just a matter of time before the pure
fluid exerts itself and overflows sweeping away all the cluttering

To the end of renewing this nation I have written a new 95 Theses,
but for political reformation rather than spiritual

I have followed the example of Martin Luther and tapped into the
unseen will of the people. I seek not to promote anything from the
fringe of the Right or Left, but to the best of my knowledge each one
of these points represents the will of the majority of the people.

Hence, those who fight against these points will be fighting the will
and heart of the country. This is not a desirable side of the fence
to be on as it is the destiny of the people that their voice be heard.

95 Theses of We, The People

1 We, the People demand that government listen to our voice

2 The will of the people, the majority of citizens, must prevail.

3 We believe in civility and encourage all debate to be a
courteous exchange based on issues rather than personal attacks.

4 This nation is at a point of tension and high risk due to the
carelessness of our elected officials, making it necessary for the
people to make corrections.

5 We, the people have to budget our money wisely and live
within our means. We absolutely demand that our government do the

6 The amount of taxes need to go down, not up.

7 Wasteful spending must be eliminated.

8 Fraud, connected with government spending, costing many
billions a year a year needs to be controlled. Example: estimates are
that around 20% of Medicare funds are lost a year due to fraud.

9 The national debt must cease to grow as we will soon not be
able to afford the interest.

10 We must focus on reducing the national debt.

11 We must incorporate tort reform so doctors do not run
expensive unnecessary tests due to fear of being sued. Damages beyond
expenses must be limited to $250,000 in 2009 dollars.

12 If a jury or a judge concludes a lawsuit is frivolous, the
plaintiff must pay all expenses of the defendant.

13 Any bill passed by Congress must be limited to 100 pages or
30,000 words.

14 Legislators must read a bill before they vote on it.

15 Congress must not only pass laws but seek out outdated,
unjust, unworkable and restrictive laws and repeal them.

16 The Constitution must be respected as the highest law of the land.

17 Voter fraud must be stopped.

18 We must make sure that only citizens of the United States are
allowed to vote in elections.

19 We must enforce laws that we pass.

20 If a law is unjust or not workable we should not keep it on
the books and become hypocrites and lawbreakers ourselves, but we
should change the law to reflect the will of the majority.

21 Late term abortions should be illegal.

22 Children should be required to pass a standardized test
before being promoted to the next grade.

23 School vouchers should be made available to those who desire
choice for their kids' education.

24 We condemn our government and agents involved for stealing
all of our Social Security funds and forcing us to depend on the
Ponsie scheme of future revenues for our security.

25 The government needs to quit using our social security funds
for purposes other than social security.

26 Congress has too many perks and needs to be more fiscally
responsible with how they spend our money on themselves.

27 It is outrageous that we pay an average of over $9000 to
educate a student with such low results. We need to seek better
results per dollar spent.

28 "It is also outrageous that we pay an average of over $9000
per student and the teachers do not receive a higher income. In a
class of 30 kids where over $270,000 is spent the teacher deserves
more income. We therefore, desire to reduce the number of
administrators and the perks that they have and increase teacher pay."

29 The administrators who are fired can be hired as teachers.

30 Members of all parties belong to unions. Therefore, no
portion of a union member's dues should be donated to a party he does
not support without his permission.

31 All union voting should be done by secret ballot to avoid
openly intimidating the voter.

32 Extremely controversial items such as abortion and gay
marriage should be settled by a vote of the people. Let the majority

33 We the people do not want our children forcefully drafted
into a civilian work corps where they will be susceptible to forced

34 The U.S. Census should not count anyone who is not a citizen
of the United States.

35 Freedom of speech, even politically incorrect speech, or hate
speech, is not to be abridged, except through a court of law where
actual damages may be proven.

36 The Second Amendment is to be upheld as written in the Constitution.

37 We want freedom of religion and philosophical thought, not
freedom from religion and diverse forms of thinking.

38 We want no taxes placed on the internet.

39 We want no censorship placed on the internet except that
which a family may voluntarily impose upon itself.

40 Since people of all sorts of political thought pay taxes,
teachers hired by those funds should represent diverse political
thought. If any public-funded school has employed more than twice the
number of Democrats or Republicans than the opposing party then they
must open the next positions to members of the minority party until
the ratio is no greater than 2:1.

41 The freedom of the many should not be sacrificed for the
freedom of the few.

42 The number of government employees need to be reduced not increased.

43 Earmarks need to be discontinued as is. Each earmark needs to
be voted on as a separate item.

44 The government can advise us what to eat and drink, but not
tell us what to eat and drink.

45 We support and encourage the country to become energy
efficient so we do not have to depend on foreign sources.

46 A majority of up to 74% therefore supports offshore drilling.
(Zogby poll 74% Rasmussen poll 67% June 2008) We should therefore
pursue this to help with energy independence and U.S. jobs.

47 Polls are unclear where the view of the majority lies with
drilling at ANWR therefore we call for a national referendum asking
this simple question: Should we drill at ANWR? Then after at least
30 days of discussion we will vote and majority opinion should be

48 We support the development of cars that are more fuel
efficient as well as all electric cars.

49 We support the construction of more nuclear power plants to
reduce CO2 emissions and supply abundant domestic energy. (Gallup
poll of March 2009 reveals that 59% support nuclear power).

50 We support the development of any alternative energy that has
a chance of success such as wind, solar geothermal, wave etc.

51 We desire the repeal of government mandates on ethanol

52 We demand that the stimulus money not yet spent be put on
hold to stop us from going deeper in debt.

53 The government should cease bailing out companies. The only
exception to this would be by a referendum voted on by the people.

54 There must be a paper trail on all voting done by the people
in general elections. The danger of tampering with computers is too

55 We do not approve of Congress taking their family and friends
on vacations at our expense to exotic foreign places. If they travel
abroad at taxpayer's expense it should be for essential business.

56 Elected officials will criticize our speaking out at their
own peril. We are the majority and will vote them out if they hear us

57 We reject any form of totalitarianism or anything that leads
in this direction.

58 Our prisons are too crowded and we should look for means to
reduce the population while maintaining law enforcement and security.

59 We support long sentences where violence or the threat of
violence occurred. Where there was no violence, the criminal should
be given a chance to pay the victim compensation and not go to prison.

60 Our correctional institutions need to put more attention on
rehabilitating inmates so they will be productive members of society
when they get out.

61 We have punished smokers enough. Let us cease raising their
taxes and ostracizing them any more while continuing to educate the
people about the dangers of smoking.

62 We demand that we maintain our freedom to purchase vitamins,
natural nutrients and herbs without a doctor's prescription.

63 It is not the government's right to tell the people whether
or not we can keep our current health insurance.

64 We do not desire the government to dismantle or fundamentally
change principles that built this country and have been proven to

65 If our government wants to impose universal health care or
any other massive program that has not been proven to work in the
United States, we first demand that they do a trial of it in a state
or city to demonstrate how it works before they impose something
irreversible on the whole country.

66 We support freedom wherever it begins to surface around the world.

67 We seek to do all in our power to extinguish tyranny wherever
we see it.

68 We desire maximum freedom for the individual and the country
as a whole.

69 We stand against racism in any form from the majority or the minority.

70 We are against using the cry of racism as a weapon to destroy
political enemies and the accusation should only be made when true
racism is at play.

71 We are against the government or its agents reading our
minds, interpreting our thought or regulating thought.

72 Any of the public's money used to fight global warming, or
the increase of CO2, must be proven to be cost effective. Only the
most cost effective means should be used.

73 If one side of the global warming issue is presented in our
schools then the other side should also be presented.

74 If any teaching of a partisan political nature is presented
in public schools then the other side should also be presented.

75 It is not the government's job to tell us ""the right thing
to do."" Morality is a personal decision.

76 It is not the government's job to define what we can or
cannot say, what is or is not politically correct. We the people will
decide what we want to say and speak as we will.

77 It is the right of parents to decide if their child should be

78 It is the right of parents to decide how to discipline their children.

79 It is the right of parents to decide how to educate their
children, whether it be public, private or home schooled.

80 It is not the responsibility of the taxpayer to purchase
Viagra or similar drugs for anyone.

81 Any military conflict that requires more than 10,000 troops
and is sustained for more than 90 days requires a sustaining vote
from Congress.

82 Congress is not to be allowed to raise their own salaries or
decide their own perks beyond anything adjusted for inflation.
Anything beyond this is to be decided by a referendum from the people.

83 Those who purchase homes or property need to have an
investment in the real estate and show a reasonable ability to make
the maximum monthly loan payment. A minimum down payment of 5% shall
be required.

84 It is the right of parents to decide if their child should be

85 We do not want a witch hunt to prosecute our CIA agents who
acted in good faith to protect their country.

86 We need to provide the necessary funding to insure a
successful missile defense program as this may some day save our
nation from nuclear annihilation.

87 Illegal immigrants are not entitled to Social Security benefits.

88 A child born in the United States to illegal immigrants
should not be granted automatic citizenship.

89 Our children should be taught an accurate history of the
United States from a non-partisan point of view.

90 The power of the free market must be preserved.

91 President Obama said: ""We cannot continue to rely on our
military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've
set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just
as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."" We the people,
do not need nor do we want a ""civilian national security force"" of
such power that could become a nightmare to citizens if controlled by
bureaucrats of destructive intent.

92 We the people believe in peace through strength and desire to
preserve a strong military until such time that nations "turn swords
into plowshares" and learn to live in peace.

93 The term of a supreme court justice should be reduced from
life to eight years and they should be elected by the people.

94 The state cannot confiscate private property for the purpose
of increasing the tax base or for the benefit of a private business.
This power of eminent domain must be restricted to public purposes as
has been the traditional case.

95 Those who own land cannot be prosecuted for non-polluting
activities, farming or business endeavors on their land. If the
government has concerns about the land it can make an offer to
purchase it.

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